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Health and Wellness Tips for Everyday Life
Accepting the Things I Cannot Change...
The homepage of my website states, “Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.” Let’s first off say that nobody wishes the difficulty...

Should Parents Drink with their Teens?
I get asked this a lot, and I usually pose the question back, "Why do you feel the need to do so?" I’ve heard many reasons why parents...

The Importance of Connection
As a dog owner, I never stop appreciating the welcome I receive when I walk through the door. Dogs are pack animals, and after some...

The Power is Yours! Embracing Powerlessness
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."...

What's Underneath? Addiction below the surface.
“Why can’t I stop?” This is a question that gets asked often by someone struggling with the disease of addiction. They want to stop....

Lost & Found - A journey from Codependency
In a prior blog post, I wrote about addiction as a family disease, and how important it is for family members to reach out and look after...

Addiction - a Family Disease
Chances are, you have had a family member, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance who has been impacted by the disease of addiction. One of...

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