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Health and Wellness Tips for Everyday Life
Accepting the Things I Cannot Change...
The homepage of my website states, “Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.” Let’s first off say that nobody wishes the difficulty...

The Importance of Connection
As a dog owner, I never stop appreciating the welcome I receive when I walk through the door. Dogs are pack animals, and after some...

The Power is Yours! Embracing Powerlessness
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."...

Living with Anxiety - 7 Tools to Begin Coping
Anxiety is a state of being in which we struggle with feelings of nervousness, worry, or uneasiness. It differs from fear which is an...

6 Steps to Establishing Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries are one of the most important aspects of healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. Simply put, boundaries define what is...

5 Ways to Embrace a New Direction!
Life is a series of frequent changes. Some changes are welcomed; others range from inconvenient to catastrophic. Transitions are times of...

Lost & Found - A journey from Codependency
In a prior blog post, I wrote about addiction as a family disease, and how important it is for family members to reach out and look after...

Accepting the Gifts of our Feelings
Whether we are reacting to a difficult situation, or sitting in the warm glow of contentment, feelings are with us on a constant basis. ...

5 Ways to Reconnect after Disconnecting
In this digital age, most of us are bombarded by constant distractions via texts, emails, snapchats, Facebook, Twitter….the list goes on!...

7 Ways to Lose Control (of outcomes)
“Act without Expectation”. It’s a quote from long ago, but what exactly does this accomplish? Some have suggested that by letting go of...

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