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Health and Wellness Tips for Everyday Life
Accepting the Things I Cannot Change...
The homepage of my website states, “Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.” Let’s first off say that nobody wishes the difficulty...

The Power is Yours! Embracing Powerlessness
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."...

Living with Anxiety - 7 Tools to Begin Coping
Anxiety is a state of being in which we struggle with feelings of nervousness, worry, or uneasiness. It differs from fear which is an...

5 Ways to Reconnect after Disconnecting
In this digital age, most of us are bombarded by constant distractions via texts, emails, snapchats, Facebook, Twitter….the list goes on!...

Has Therapy Gone to the Dogs?
One of my favorite moments of the day comes when I arrive home - work still on my mind, stress of daily life weighing on my shoulders -...

6 Self-Care Strategies to a Healthier Life
Often the busyness of everyday tasks can overtake our feelings of joy and happiness in life. This over-stimulated heaviness makes it...

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